Get to know me

A Writer

I’m a writer.

Here’s the thing about me being a writer, though: I’ve always hated English and writing intensive classes. Both of my siblings are journalists, one of which being a writer by trade (catch her spreading some genuine delight over on her corner of the internet). They were always the English and history kids in our family, while I excelled in math and science.

When I reached the end of high school and found myself unable to contain the words pouring out of me and onto paper, I was shocked. I didn’t tell anyone that I was writing. No one even knew that I had a journal, or that I had dozens of word documents saved on my computer.

As I’ve grown older and learned more about myself, I discovered that writing was so much easier than verbal communication. I’m pretty good at holding my own in a conversation, good enough to trick the world (and myself) into thinking I was an extrovert for 18 years, but when it comes down to the words that need to be said- the hard-truths, the important reminders, the unavoidable emotions (good and bad)- those are most easily communicated in writing.

It was no surprise to my people when I agreed to start my own blog- in fact, they begged encouraged me to do it. While talking with a friend a few months ago (while drugged up in the ER, nonetheless) she stopped me mid sentence to ask if I had a blog. I told her to stay tuned for that, and now here we are.

So, what can you expect from me here? Well, to be honest, I’d rather you not expect anything at all, that way you’ll never be disappointed (an important life lesson that I just recently learned)! Instead, I’ll tell you that my intentions are to use this as a space to offer insight into all aspects of my life- obviously that means the life of being chronically sick and the abundant lessons and experiences that come with any diagnosis, but also the life of a college girl following Jesus into uncharted territory and finding identity in Him along the way.

Fair warning: I’m a broken human.

Spoiler alert: so are you.

But that’s what’s beautiful about this life here on Earth: We all get to be broken together. After all, it’s those broken cracks that let the light shine through.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Ram Dass. He says “We’re all just walking each other home.” This life here on Earth is just an avenue to our final destination in Eternity, and we’re lucky enough to get to share in the twists and turns of that journey together.

So, join me here on that walk. Lets do life together. If you’re here, reading this, I want you to know I’m happy to have you. I hope you stick around. I want you to know that you’re never alone. I’m always here. And I want you to know that you’re loved beyond comprehension. Just trust me on that one.

With all the love,


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