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5 Ways to Manage Chronic Illness in College

Happy Tuesday friends!! I want to introduce you to one of my favorite blogger friends, Liu! Today she’s sharing her top 5 ways of managing chronic illness in college on my blog, and I’m sharing my top 5 things to bring to college on her blog! Make sure to leave us a comment telling us how you manage your illness at school! 


Hello, my name is Liu Miao and I am a college student. I am done with my second year and very excited. Psychology is my major and Spanish is my minor. There is one thing that most people don’t realize that I have. I have chronic pain and some other health problems due to my physical disability. I try not to show my pain to others. Since I started college, my health got worse. Having no energy and pain when moving or siting are some of the things that I have to deal with in college. I do take medicine for my health problems; however, there are things that help me cope with having a chronic illness in college. This is to help incoming freshmen to prepare for college and be successful. It is hard being a college student with health problems but it can be done.

  1. First thing is to rest. Going to school and doing simple tasks take a lot of energy for me. I tire very easily and it is important to get rest. Yes, I know that as college students we are busy but rest is very important. Not having enough rest is not good for our health. I am a firm believer in naps. Sometimes I need to take long naps and sometimes I take short naps. I even nap in the car and nape while waiting at the doctor’s office.
  2. Food is another way I cope. Yes it’s not the healthiest option, but it makes me feel better. Having your favorite food can make you feel better. Coffee with friends helps me forget about my illness and worries. Indulging in snacks and candies also makes me happy. I am a big fan of gummie candies and spicy Asian foods.
  3. Keeping my self warm is also important. Since I have severe joint problems, it feels good when my joints are kept warm and toasty. Taking a hot shower/bath, sitting in a hot tub, and using a heating blanket are ways that keep me warm.
  4. There are times a good cry is needed. Life can be very overwhelming and crying is a good solution. It feels good getting all those feelings out. I prefer crying alone but sometimes I need a good friend to cry with.
  5. The last method is letting my emotions out in a calm way. This includes talking with a friend, doing a creative activity, listening to music, and physical activities. These activities help keep my mind off struggles. Writing is the best way for me to express my thoughts. I love blogging and helping others through my writing. Hand lettering is also one of my favorites.

It is hard dealing with a chronic illness in college, but you have to make the best of it. There will be hard days and some easier days. Managing chronic illness in college is so important.

~Liu Miao~

2 thoughts on “5 Ways to Manage Chronic Illness in College

  1. Hey girl! I just wanted to let you know that I think your blog is AWESOME, and I always enjoy reading your posts. I just nominated you for a blogger award, you can check it out here ( ). You don’t have to do anything with the award if you don’t want to, it just means I love your posts! I hope you’ll at give it a look, have a great day!!



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